STATEMENT OF CASE ON BEHALF OF BEAUSALE, HASELEY, HONILEY AND WROXALL PARISH COUNCIL [BHHW] Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Section 77 and Town and Country Planning (Inquiries Procedure) (England) Rules 2000 Application by Enso Green Holdings P Limited at Land West of Honiley Road (A4177), Honiley, Kenilworth. PINS Reference APP/W/2845/W/22/3311385 Warwick DC ref … Read more

Sir Jeremy Wright statement on solar farm inquiry

SUBMISSIONS TO PLANNING INQUIRY RE APPLICATION FOR A SOLAR FARM AND BATTERY STORAGE ON LAND WEST OF HONILEY ROAD (WDC APPLICATION NO W22/1577)   SIR JEREMY WRIGHT KC MP     As a Member of Parliament I recognise that I have no formal role in the planning process and I would not ordinarily intervene in it, but … Read more